Style this week!

Style this week!
Look of the week. A hit!

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Namaste... or something like that.

 Life can be nuts, and I can get easily overwhelmed and super anxious. When I get this way it becomes very hard for me to see and appreciate the gifts around me... and that is so unfortunate because I, like many of us, have so much to be present for.  I ask you, what's the point of looking your best if you are not present to appreciate it? It's the worst to be somewhere physically and be somewhere else emotionally, your time is literally waisted. I'm no guru, but adding meditation to my day for just five minutes in the morning and five minutes at night, makes more difference in my life than my facials, manicures, exercise, diet and highlights combined... well maybe not my highlights, but it's pretty major. Studies have shown it can literally change chemical brain waves... umm,  I don't know about you, but I could use some serious rewiring! So, if you don't meditate but are interested,  I'm going to chat about some basic stuff that has really helped me tap into the now.
Chance and I meditating last year in Vancouver 
My new years resolution 2011 was to meditate every morning and every evening... that didn't happen BUT I have been meditating a lot more, and have felt the difference. The reason I am so fascinated by meditation is the same reason I am fascinated with all natural health remedies- it's natural, it is available to us at all times, and it can aid us in our mental health, physical health,  physical beauty, internal beauty, and most importantly, open the gate way so that we can approach our lives day to day with strength, peace and love.
Symbol for Om

So, I'm going to break this down in the most simple way, bare with me.
Lets start with the breath and world Om or (AUM).  Breath is THE most important thing in meditation... in fact it's everything. So to kick it off, I start with 3 Om (s). Why? This fundamental mantra is super soothing and of corse is not random in its sound or symbol. The sound and the symbol represent the 4 states of being. The fist sound in AUM,  is "A" which is the first stage of awakening. It is the first sound and the most open. The second is 'U" which represents the dream state or the in between state. The next is "M" which represents the deep sleep state. It is the the closing of the mouth and end of the breath. The final stage of the AUM is the silence after or the pause in the breath. This is when the consciousness is in perfect bliss and harmony (in theory). This is what we aim to achieve with meditation- stillness and harmony of the mind.
The Om is a complete circle; the vibration represents the beginning and the end which is everything. Breath is life and so this vibration is alive and when done mindfully, can be very healing. Trying to describe Om is like trying to describe love, it is complex and illusive and yet very basic. It is the base of many doctrines in many cultures and religions, but for the purpose of a five minute meditation,  it is a mindful breath. Sounds kind of major, but it's pretty simple. It's really hard not to be present when you're throwing an Om out there.

***On a side note, though the symbol Om is used in many cultures as a religious symbol, the action in meditation is not a religious one, and does not interfere with religion, but rather works in unison with religion. To be mindful while praying is pretty powerful stuff. This is also why Yoga is so effective. It is mindful exercise as it focuses so much on the breath. Yoga does not take the place of meditation, just as meditation does not take the place of religion , but they complement each other when used together.***

So it's nice to start off with 3 Om(s) to kind of jump start you into to the mind set of meditation and put you into the spirit of things. Next,  I set a quick intention... (like, I strive for peace, wisdom or strength...") then, sit on a pillow or lay back but get into a position where you can stay still for five minutes. Palms up, take some deep breaths while listening to the sound of your breath. If your mind wanders or even races, don't panic or be mad at yourself, just go back to listening to the breath. If the same things keep popping up in your head just acknowledge them and return your mind to the breath. I set an alarm on my iPhone for Just five minutes, and then I like to end with 3 Om(s),  a little prayer, and a  namaste (I bow to you) in gratitude for God, myself and the world around me. It's pretty easy, you can do it anywhere, and can make more difference in your life than Spanx.

A few other things I like to use that kind of make it fun and effective for me are the accessories.... it's always about the accessories! They are NOT necessary at all but can help get you in the mood to chill.

I love these candles! Both were given by friends and I use them everyday. I light them right before I meditate and they smell so good and make me feel so good.

I love these meditation rocks. Mine were given to me by a healer, but he found them on the beach. So, I found some on the beach too and gave them to my husband to meditate. Just look for some smooth rocks to sit in your palms to keep you present.... so not necessary but nice.

Madison Ave. HeadPhones
Comfortable headphones- I sometimes listen to birds chirping or water running or meditation podcast for a longer guided meditation. It helps transport me to a calmer environment especially if there is football on. I'm sure there are zen masters that can meditate in oncoming traffic...but I'm not there yet, so I tap out with these headphones. These were a gift from a friend and they are amazing. The sound is great and, well lets be honest, they look super cute .

Just remember, that breathing is the only thing you really need to meditate. SO, give it a try if you haven't already and let me know what you think. This is something that has truly changed my life.


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